[unknown source]
There is nothing more wonderful than books. My favorite thing in the world is to either spend my day in the library or cozy up and dive into another book. It is the perfect season to pick up good reads and enjoy them thoroughly.
A few books I'm reading currently or have read-
- The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
- Invisible - Paul Auster
- Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
- A Certain Slant of Light - Laura Whitcomb
But certainly reading books are only one of their values. Books are the best accessories to any room. Your personal library can show your personality as much as your closet can. Displaying books takes space, but is well worth the shelf space. Here a few glamorous views of books in different homes that I am in love with. (Sorry for the unknown sources- I saved these a while ago to my computer!!)