Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Domino Article

Muse #12      [fotodecadent]
Hey guys, I know its been a WHILE. I just finished a play at my school (The Pink Panther). I think it went pretty well and it was lots of fun, but it sorta ate up all my time and energy. So here we go back into the loop....
A while back PBL mentioned a domino mag house tour that just took my breath away. (I'm planning on going into interior designing so I'm glued to this site!) I officially RSS'ed them and I plan on following through... thoroughly. Take a look!!!
Check out the Domino Mag Article.

Thanks to PBL for showing me the site/ pictures!!!

Books that I'm Reading

Top of the list--
[Twilight by Stephenie Meyer] I'm sure you have heard all the fuss over the book (and the upcoming movie). I finally picked it up from a friend after it was vastly recommended. I started this morning and I am already on page 286 out of 498. Completely transfixed.
EDIT: I'm on the second now. It is definitely worth reading.
Other Great Reads--
[Ivy by Julie Hearn] I'm about half way through this book too, but it's not one of my best reads. I probably am still reading it because the main character has entranced me. Her long red hair and green eyes, they just make me wish that I could pull that off.... ever. The Victorian setting helps out too.
EDIT: I got a few pages further and gave up. As much as I loved the main character, the story did not really go anywhere.
[Night by Elie Wiesel] Actually, I'm reading this one for school. For some reason, I have always been drawn to Holocaust books which sounds really creepy and just bad. But, for some reason, I have just kept trying to read, learn, and understand it. This account of the horrible holocaust of 11 million people is a heart wrenching story. I am almost done with it, and I think that the school couldn't have a better book in its curriculum. 
[Kiss Me Kill Me by Lauren Henderson] I haven't started this one yet, but it looks like I'm going to love it. Read about it here.

Celebration is Due!

Vogue Australia June 2008      [fotodecadent]
This is definitely one of the most important days of history. I am ecstatic! These pictures just make me so excited for these upcoming four years.
In other news, I think that Ashley Tisdale is doing amazingly well after High School Musical 3. Her hair, especially, looked fabulous at the premier in California. 
Sorry my posts have been so slow lately. I'm getting caught up at school with an upcoming show, but expect me to speed up in the winter! Ciao!