[Twilight by Stephenie Meyer] I'm sure you have heard all the fuss over the book (and the upcoming movie). I finally picked it up from a friend after it was vastly recommended. I started this morning and I am already on page 286 out of 498. Completely transfixed.
EDIT: I'm on the second now. It is definitely worth reading.
Other Great Reads--

[Ivy by Julie Hearn] I'm about half way through this book too, but it's not one of my best reads. I probably am still reading it because the main character has entranced me. Her long red hair and green eyes, they just make me wish that I could pull that off.... ever. The Victorian setting helps out too.
EDIT: I got a few pages further and gave up. As much as I loved the main character, the story did not really go anywhere.

[Night by Elie Wiesel] Actually, I'm reading this one for school. For some reason, I have always been drawn to Holocaust books which sounds really creepy and just bad. But, for some reason, I have just kept trying to read, learn, and understand it. This account of the horrible holocaust of 11 million people is a heart wrenching story. I am almost done with it, and I think that the school couldn't have a better book in its curriculum.

[Kiss Me Kill Me by Lauren Henderson] I haven't started this one yet, but it looks like I'm going to love it. Read about it here.
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