Wouldn't this be nice? [unknown source]
I have spent a good portion of my time this summer lusting over lavish pieces to decorate my dorm room. Come September 1st, I plan on having a beautiful, awesome space to chill in (and by chill I mean study....). So here are a few thoughts.

[1] Urban Outfitters pictur
e window- 2 for $25 or $16
[2] Emily hunt flickr- link
[3&4] unknown
The most practical would probably be the picture blob (#4) because I think it looks cool and it also requires the least work, a combination that I like. If my room already looks overwhelming, I'll head towards the clipped photos (#2).

[1] unknown
[2] Bed Bath & Beyond 36 pair over-the-door shoe rack- $29.99
[3] Amazon revolving shoe tree- $40.57
I am dying over the shoe display case(#1). I legit NEED to own this for my shoes. What is better to show off? I can think of nothing. Obviously, I can't bring that to my dorm room. Although I was pumped when I found the 36-pair shoe rack, the reviews are just awful and now I can't bring myself to get it. Now for #3, I really want to bring this. It will probably scare my roommate, but my massive collection of shoes will do that by itself anyway. I think it's a little too much for a dorm, there's a smaller version but it's not worth using the space unless it goes up and holds 4325832758 pairs of shoes like this one does. My reality will be lining my shoes up around my room. What a shame.

[1] Wisteria metal basket shelf- $39.00
[2] Pottery Barn jewelry case- I can't find it anymore...
Both of these are out of my budget, but I need them. The basket shelves are perfect for holding and displaying magazines. Don't get me started on the jewelry case. Beautiful. Swoooooon.
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